Priory of The Temple Church


The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem - a heritage built on God Chivalry Family Friendship Faith Hope Loyalty Charity Community

So why wait? Join the Knights Templar today and start making a difference in the world. We look forward to welcoming you to our order.

Start Making a Difference Today

Are you looking for an organization that is steeped in history and tradition, yet still relevant in today's world?

Look no further than The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, SMOTJ.

As a member of The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, you will become part of a proud lineage that stretches back to the Crusades. Our order has long been associated with chivalry, bravery, and honor, and we continue to embody those values today.

The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, is a modern organization with a global reach. We are active in many different countries, and we work to promote a variety of causes, from humanitarian aid to education and supporting Christians in the Holy Land and around the world.

Joining The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, means becoming part of a community of like-minded individuals who share your values and your commitment to making the world a better place. You will have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others, both in your local community and around the world.

As a member of the The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem, you will have access to a wide range of benefits, including networking opportunities, exclusive events, and an opportunity to serve others. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you are part of an organization with a proud history and a bright future.

So why wait?

Join SMOTJ today and start making a difference in the world. We look forward to welcoming you to our order.

The Priory of The Temple Church

The Priory of the Temple Church

The Priory of the Temple Church is responsible for its members in the states of Florida and Southern Alabama. The Priory, which is headquartered in Orlando, oversees the Preceptory of Hugh de Payens, Preceptory of Geoffrey de Charney and the Commandery of The Holy Trinity.

Several members of the Priory of St. Andrew living in Central Florida were contacted in 1999 by BG Chev. Wilson T. Dreger, III, GCTJ, Deputy Grand Prior Region III.

The feasibility of establishing a commandery in Central Florida under the auspices of the Priory of St. Andrew was discussed.

The Commandery of the Temple Church was formed and officially recognized as a member of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem on February 5, 2000. Its first Commander was Chev. Allan F. Keeth, GCTJ. Chev. Thornton “Andy” Anderson, GCTJ was appointed Chancellor.

The name of the Commandery of the Temple Church was selected to commemorate the church of that name in London, which served as the headquarters of the English Knights Templar.

The Commandery of the Temple Church was placed under the Priory of Holy Rood soon after it was established as a Priory.

The Commandery was officially changed to a Preceptory during this period. It was recognized as a Commandery when it received its appointing order from the Grand Priory of the United States and was stood up at the Grand Convent and Investiture at West Point on June 12, 2010.

The Commandery was stood up as the Priory of the Temple Church on May 21, 2011 in Norcross, Georgia, with Chev. Thomas “Ted” Seater, GOTJ as Prior I.

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Prior: Chvse. Linda M Ross, MBA, GOTJ
Chancellor: Rev. Chev. Dennis Chamberland, Ph.D., GOTJ